Sinonasal Anatomical Variants in Duhok: Gender Differences and Ct Correlations
Anatomic variants, CT scan, Inflammation, Para nasal sinusesAbstract
Background: Paranasal sinus diseases are increasingly common worldwide. Early diagnosis and timelytherapy are vital to avoid prolonged issues. The variable anatomy of these sinuses can significantly impact
subsequent pathology.
Objective: To determine the prevalence of sinonasal anatomical variants (SNAVs) in a sample population
in Duhok city, assess their correlation with sex, and evaluate the association of these variants with sinonasal
inflammatory changes using computed tomography.
Patients and Methods: This retrospective cross-sectional study enrolled 100 patients from specialized
imaging centers in Duhok city over 6months (February to July2024). Multiple CT coronal, axial, and
sagittal sections were analyzed to evaluate the prevalence of sinonasal variants, affected sinuses, and their
association with sinonasal inflammatory changes.
Results: The study included 100 patients aged 12 to 69 years, with an equal gender distribution. The
frequency of SNAVs was 1097 (average 10.97 variants per case). SNAVs were more prevalent in females
(52.4%) compared to males (47.58%). Ethmoid air cells were the most common (46.7%), followed by
sphenoid sinus variation (27.5%). While SNAVs occurred in both genders at varying rates, significant
gender-based differences were found only for ethmoidal air cells and frontal sinus variants. The study found
no significant differences in sinusitis prevalence for most SNAVs by gender, except for ethmoidal air cells
elongation, where females showed an increased prevalence of sinusitis.
Conclusion: Understanding SNAVs and their impact on sinus surgery and disease is crucial. Gender
influences the prevalence of certain SNAVs and their association with sinusitis, indicating the need for a
tailored approach in clinical management.
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