The Diabetes Mellitus Incidence in Recipients of Renal Allograft in Al-Nassiyria City


  • Methaq A.M. Hussein Department of Internal Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Thi-Qar.


BACKGROUND:    Immunosuppressive drugs is the main cause of   Post-transplant diabetes mellitus, which consider as one of the highly commonest transplant complications. Aim: To assess the Post-transplant diabetes mellitus incidence and determine the other factors which may play a role in this complication development. Method:   105 non-DM study population included in this study transplanted renal allograft, since 1999. Post-transplant diabetes mellitus was identified by the requirement of the hypoglycemic drug which started after transplantation by a range of more than one month. All patients after transplantation received prednisone and cyclosporine and no one received tacrolimus. Results:      At 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 10th  years  follow up after transplantation, five, eight, eleven and lastly nineteen percent developing  Post-transplant diabetes mellitus., the correlated  variables was determined as independent variables for the  rapid increment  in the Post-transplant diabetes mellitus numbers, which, higher BMI- before transplant,  age  of recipient the  younger  than 45 years significantly  differ from older age with  P < 0.0001 Conclusions:    Post-transplant diabetes mellitus risk continuously increases with post-transplant time. Transplanted patients show increment in Post-transplant diabetes mellitus incidence whose recipients characteristics changes is the full explanation of this matter. The assumption of a cause of this increment is due to the introduction of better absorbed CsA formulations, which resulted in higher diabetogenic drug cumulative exposure in addition to other factors.


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