Factors influencing the performance of reproductive health care service providers in Basrah


  • Rajaa A. Mahmoud MbChB, DCM, MPH, PhD candidate, Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Iraq
  • Narjis A-H Ajeel MbChB, DCM, MPH, PhD, Department of Community Medicine, College of Medicine, University of Basrah


Reproductive health service providers, performance, Basrah


Background:  In order to implement a better and high standard quality of reproductive health care services, customers should be ensured to have the appropriate needed service. Moreover, granting a better quality service encourage more beneficiaries in need, improve the coverage of reproductive health and family planning services and reduce maternal & child morbidity and mortality due to reproductive health  related problems. Objectives: The study aims to look at the perception of health providers regarding the needs of the women age(15-49) years living in Basra  in the area of reproductive health, in addition to identifying factors influencing the performance of reproductive health and family planning service providers. Subjects and method: A face to face interview questionnaire was used with 159 health care providers from different levels of public health care facilities in Basra. Results: Deficiency of the professional training and continuous medical education, Shortage of human resources and inadequately allocated place for providing the services were found by the study to be the main influencing factors on the performance of reproductive health and family planning service providers. Conclusion: The study shows that implementing mass  education campaigns to raise the community awareness about the importance of reproductive health was the main suggestion made by the health care providers during this study.In addition, establishing work guidelines, standards and protocols was found by the study to play a major role in improving the performance of reproductive health care service providers in addition to professional training programs to enhance the providers' technical and scientific skills in the field of reproductive health and family planning. Furthermore, the study recommended implementing more mass education campaigns to raise the community awareness about the importance of reproductive health.


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