Acne vulgaris in Iraq; new predisposing factors


  • Adnan Taan Thamer Alkhafaji College of medicine /Thi-qar University
  • Alaa Abdul Hassen Naif College of medicine /Thi-qar University
  • Bassam A. Hassan Bent Al-Huda Teaching hospital Thi-qar Iraq


Background: Acne is a common skin disorder that affects both adolescent and adult. However few studies on this condition have been done in Iraq. Objectives: The purpose of this study to identify new precipitators and aggravators of acne. Methods: We collected data using structured, self-administered questionnaire, among patients having acne vulgaris who were attending al-Hussain teaching Hospital, Dermatology and Verenology outpatient Clinic, in Thi-Qar, Iraq. A cross-sectional study was conducted. Results: A total of 105 patients were included in this study (70female 35 male) the mean of age ±SD 19.78year ±5.155. , the mean of BMI± SD 24.97 ±5.28 (n=101). Where the history of oral herbal remedies or oral steroid as an appetite stimulant present in 22%, the history of applying topical cosmetic in 47% also 66.6% of patients consider the exposure to sun light exacerbate the acne vulgaris, the role of menses in female (n=70) are 44.2% in addition to 38% of sample consider the hair removal process by using thread and bleaching as aggravating factors. Conclusions: Hair removal process, use of topical cosmetic products and oral herbal remedies or oral steroid intake has been positively related to acne vulgaris.


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