Effect of Parity on Birth Weight of Neonate
Birth Weight Neonate, Parity, descriptive statistical methods, Data collectionAbstract
This field of study focuses on the multi-para pregnants and their effect on the size of a New born babies , after the exposure of pregnant to several internal and external factors affect the size and nature of the child. Objective: this study was designed to identify risk factors for low birth Weight Neonate. Methodology: A descriptive study (cross-sectional design) had been done on pregnant on Low Birth Weight Neonate, starting from the 17th June2013 to 14th April 2014. Non –Probability (purposive) sample of (160) pregnant women , the ages range between (15-45) years . Most of the samples Previously diagnosed for at least (2)month Low Weight Neonate. They visited the care centers for pregnants women. The data were collected through the use of semi-constructed questionnaire, which consists of two parts; (1) Socio demographic data previous history (2) Reproductive characteristic, Reliability of the questionnaires are determined through a pilot study and the validity through a panel of (10) experts. The data were described statistically and analyzed through the use of the descriptive and inferential statistical analysis procedures. Results :The findings of the present study indicate that the Low Weight Neonate affected by the obstetrical history. The maximal effect presented by the premature baby , and type of delivery. There is no significant association of Reproductive characteristic with Demographic, age, education level, Occupation and Consanguinity . But high significant to previous premature baby ,type of delivery and receiving antenatal care during pregnancy . Recommends: Regular and proper prenatal care provided in the health centers and through home visiting. develop a special programs in the radio, television magazines , newspaper concerning pregnancy and prenatal care specially to school age girls using interesting teaching aids such as pictures diagrams …etc. taking in consideration the public's income and level of education.References
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