Study the association between the infection with Trichomonas vaginalis and use of contraceptive among women with abnormal vaginal discharge by PCR technique in Nassiriyah city


  • Enaas S. Al - Kayat Dept. of Gynecology & obstetric , College of Medicine , University of Thiqar
  • Amal Kh. Khalaf Dept. of Microbiology , College of Medicine , University of Thiqar


The aim of the present study was designed to determine the relationship between the infection with T. vaginalis and use of contraceptive among women whom suffering from abnormal vaginal discharge in Nassirriyah city \ Thiqar Province using TVK3/7 gene as target by PCR technique. all women entered the Maternity and pediatrics hospital , private clinics and laboratories.   The results are explain that the infection with T. vaginalis  are decrease during the use of contraceptive since there are no case of infection with T. vaginalis among women whom used  injection , pills and tubal ligation except there is three or  3(0.67) cases of infection is recorded among women who use of IUCD compared with 11 (3.1) total infection among women whom are not use the contraceptive.  


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