Comparative study of antibacterial effect of ethanolic leaf extracts Suaeda aegyptiaca plant and some antibiotics in the growth of pathogenic bacteria


  • Ahmed A. Naseer AL-Alamiry Cancer Research Unit , College of Medicine , Unvirsity of Thi-Qar, Iraq.


The Antimicrobial properties of the ethanolic leaf extract of the Suaeda aegyptiaca plan, on four bacterial isolates (Stapshylococcus aureus, S.epidermidis, P.aeruginosa,and Escherichia coli),were investigated . The antimicrobial activity of the plant extract was determined by the Well diffusion method. The ethanolic leaf extract of all the plants inhibited the test organisms. The spectrum of antimicrobial activity was recorded against S. aureus(26.66-14.66 mm),S.epidermidis(22-15.22 mm), P. aeruginosa(20.33-13.33 mm), and E.coli (21.66-18.55 mm) at (10-2.5%) con. The studying extract exhibited antimicrobial properties compared favorably with some standard antibiotics .The maximum zone of inhibition of antibiotics was measured against S.aureuswas (E) (16mm), on the other hand, (ST and AM) had no effect on its.  S.epidermidis was highly sensitive to (NOR) was 38mm and resistant to (AM and L). E.coli and P.aeruginosa was highly sensitive to (AM),while it is resistant to (CAZ,PY and CXM).As well as AMC and CD had no effect on P.aerug -inosa.Compare with The screening results of the medicinal plant extract in the present study confirmed a source of antimicrobial agents by the highest sensitivity was recorded.


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