Evolving an appointment system in PHC centers in Basrah: Opinion of physicians and patients


  • Jasim N. Al-Asadi Assist. Prof., College of Medicine, Basrah University.
  • Shukrya K. Khalaf Lectures, College of Medicine, Basrah University
  • Alaa H. Abed Lecturer, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University
  • Sabah A. Shami Basrah General Health Directorate.


Appointment system, PHC centers, Basrah


Background: Despite the increasing interest in implementation of appointment system in many countries, patients, and physicians' views about such system is not examined in Basrah. Objectives: To study the views of both patients and physicians about introducing appointment system in primary care centers in Basrah. Methods: Six hundreds and eighty (680) patients and 115 physicians in 20 PHC centers were included in the study. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data. Results: The majority of patients (79.6%) supported the idea of introducing the appointment system. Married women, employed, and highly educated patients and those who lived far from the PHC center were more in favour of introducing the appointment system. Likewise, the majority of physicians (95.7%) were also in favour of introducing the appointment system. The main disadvantages indicated by both patients and physicians was that it was not beneficial for patients with acute cases. Conclusions: Both patients and physicians showed positive attitude toward introducing appointment system in PHC centers in Basrah.


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