Evaluation of Cephalopoda extract against some nosocomial bacterial isolates


  • Al-Maliky Kh. Haydar Thi-qar university, medicine collage, microbiology department


To evaluate the pathogenicity of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli in male mice and to compare between antibacterial activity Cefotaxime  250mg and  cephalopoda extract (Sepia sp.) and showed the effect on some blood parameters in male mice. The mice were divided into seven groups (six mice for each) ,all treatments were given intraperitoneally to experimental mice. First group (control animals) were injected with 0.9 % normal saline (0.1 ml for each animal), second group were received i.p. single dose of E. coli (0.1× 108 CFU), third group were injected with a single dose of S. aureus (0.1× 108 CFU), fourth group were injected with a single dose of  E. coli (0.1× 108 CFU) then treated with (0.1 Cefotaxime  250mg) for 3 days fifth group were injected with a single dose of  S. aureus (0.1× 108 CFU) then treated with (0.1 Cefotaxime 250mg) for 3 days, sixth group were injected with a single dose of  Escherichia coli (0.1× 108 CFU) then injected with (0.1 of extract,720 µg for each animal ) for 3 days, seventh group were injected i.p. with a single dose of  S. aureus (0.1× 108 CFU) then injected with (0.1 of extract, 720 µg for each animal ) for 3 days. The results conducted that all infected mice were suffered from elevated in their body temperatures, while decline in their body weights and subsequently, changes in blood parameters compared with normal value. On the other hand, treated mice with Sepia extract show healthy and maintained their body temperatures and body weights as normal, in addition to blood parameters remained within normal ranges. These above results explained the role of Sepia extract as antimicrobial substance, acting against nosocomial bacterial isolates.


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