Determinants of Neonatal Sepsis in Al-Nasiriayh City Public Hospitals at 2017
Background: Sepsis during neonatal life is one of main leading attributer of the neonatal mortality, it consider as a major morbidity constituents, especially in the 3rd word and developing countries.
Identification, diagnosis and treatment delays of this main problem consider as the main cause of mortality for this group of population.
Aims of the study: to determine the main risk factors for neonatal sepsis in Al-Nasiriya public hospitals at 2017
Methods:A case control - hospital based study was done in Al-Nasiriya public hospitals –Southern of Iraq, extended over a period of 2017, neonates who had sepsis were the Cases, while with their index of pediatrician diagnosis while neonates who hadn’t sepsis consider as controls. clinical and proper laboratory investigations was done for to prove the inclusion and diagnostic criteria for both Cases and controls. Control and cases had been selected by using systematic random sampling. Spss version 23 had been used for statistical analysis . graph Bad had been used for epidemiological analysis. P value < 0.05 consider as significant. dependent and independent association had been tested by using binary logistic regression model, while identification of the associated risk factors to neonatal sepsis was tested by multivariable logistic regression.
Results: A total of 150 neonate had been studied allover 2017, sixty cases and ninety control, with mean gestational age (37.5467± 2.36753), . near three quarters(72%) of NS were with EOS(<7 days), while the remainder were with LOS. The only Maternal age (21-35), CS as a mode of deliver, presence of( bleeding, PROM, maternal fever), and low birth weight of the of the neonate were strong risk factors for neonatal sepsis , APGAR <7, MSAFA<7 and Not crying immediately might be consider as neonatal sepsis predictors that might give hint for early initiation proper antibiotic
Conclusion: Both neonatal and maternal factors had contributed to the risk of NS. The crucial things are improvement of institutional delivery practices as well as Strengthening of the existing risk based prevention strategies.
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