Comparative study in Bacteriological findings between the surface and the core of chronic infected Tonsils


  • Ahmed Al –Ansary M.B.Ch.B,F.I.M.C.S,Head of Department of ENT,Basrah General Hospital
  • Firas B. AL-HAMEED MB.Ch.B,CABMS.Department of Otolarynglogy-Head &Neck Surgery,College of medicine,Thi-qar university.
  • Rukaia NS M.B.CH.B,Msc.Department of Microbiology and Immunology, microbiology,Basra children,s specialty hospital.
  • Muna MK M.B.CH.B,Msc.Department of Microbiology and Immunology, microbiology,Basra children,s specialty hospital


  Background: This study was conducted to elucidate the tonsil surface swabs versus core swabs bacterial cultures in relation to some selected variables in patients group with recurrent chronic tonsillitis of different age and sex groups in Basrah General Hospital.  Aims of the study:  The study was designed to determine if the surface swab is of benefit in prediction of the core bacteria in chronically infected tonsillitis, to identify the commonest causative organisms in the studied patients, to determine the prevalent bacterial etiology of chronic tonsillitis among both children and adults. Patients  and  Methods : A prospective study was carried out during the period from  March  2012 till   April   2013  at Basrah General Hospital ,Iraq. The total numbers of tonsillectomies specimen were 100 tonsils. Surface swabs and core swabs were sent for microbiological study and culture.   Results: The overall proportion of surface swabs revealed pathogenic organisms was 40% of studied cases while core swabs detected pathogenic organisms was 58% of cases. Staphylococcus aureus was the commonest pathogen isolated from both surface and core of tonsils. Group A β hemolytic streptococcus was more common in children than in adults.


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