Leukocytosis as Prognostic Factor for Severe Multiple Injuries


  • Hussein Imran Mousa Department of neurosurgery, Alsadr Teaching Hospital, Basrah; Iraq


multiple injured patient, leukocytosis, white blood cell count =WBC, ICU, ward


Objective: The objective of this study was to determine if the white blood cell (WBC) count can predict severity of injuries and can be considered as a bad prognostic sign in multiple injured patients.  Methods: This was a comparative study comparing two groups of multiple injured patients according to the severity of injury, intensive care unit (ICU) admitted group with severe injuries and ward admitted one without significant injuries, and comparing their initial WBC in the first day. Also, the ICU admitted group was divided into two subgroups, survived and died one, comparing the decline in WBC count between them in the first 3 days.  Results: There was a difference in mean WBC count between ICU group with severe injuries and ward one without significant injury that was statistically significant (p<0.0001). Also there was a significant resistance of WBCs to decline to normal level in the died ICU subgroup as survived patients in the first three days (p<0.0001, p<0.0001 and p<0.0001 respectively). Conclusion: A significant elevation in WBC count in severe multiple injured patients is found and it can be considered as a bad prognostic sign for those with slow decline to normal level within first three days.  


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