Background little is known about the association of gallbladder disease and diabetes in Iraq. the aims of this study are study the prevalence of GBD in patients with type two diabetes mellitus attending Al-nasria diabetic center. Patients and methods Two hundred patients with type two diabetes mellitus were the test group consist of 116 female and 84 male with 57±22 years old in average and two hundred non-diabetic persons as a control group consist of 120 female and 80 male with 52±32 years old in average. Both case and control were examined by ultrasonograghic study to find the GBD. Results The frequency of GBD was 35% in patients with type two DM and 15% in non- diabetic subjects. The frequency of GBD in diabetic patients whose BMI was more than 25 kg/m2 was significant increased. There is a significant increase in GBD with increase of duration of diabetes and increased level of Hb A1c. There was no significant difference in effect of age , parity , family history of GBD between diabetes and non-diabetic subjects. Conclusion The prevalence of GBD increase with type two diabetes by two fold in comparison to that of non-diabetic subjects. The risk of GBD increase with increased duration of diabetes mellitus and HbA 1c level.References
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