Background: Cancer is a worldwide and national public health problem; the incidence of cancer is increasing rapidly. In 2002 there were 11 million new cancer cases and nearly 7 million cancer deaths worldwide, by 2020, more than 16 million new cancer cases and 10 million deaths are expected and about 60% of all these new cases 70% of these deaths will likely occur in developing country. This study investigates trends of cancer in Maysan Province and compares it to randomly selected provinces, finding are also compared with nearby countries. Methods: A descriptive study based on Data that found in Iraqi cancer registry 2000 – 2006, comparison had been held between Maysan and 3 Iraqi Provinces selected randomly after classification of Iraq in to 3 regions. Results: The total No. of cancer cases registered in Iraq during these 6 years was 79145, there is an increase in overall cancer trend in Iraq over the last 15 years and especially during 2000 – 2006, Maysan shows relatively similar trends during 6 years while others shows slight elevation in the disease trends, Maysan shows the lowest No of cases registered during 6 years (1251) while Kirkuk shows the highest (3018), Breast cancer was the top cancer registered in Maysan, Kirkuk and Kerballa during all the six years, while in Thi Qar, cancer of the urinary bladder was the top, The total No. of Breast Ca cases registered in Kirkuk since 2000 was about triple what registered in Maysan while what registered in ThiQar was double, The total No. of leukemia registered in Maysan was the lowest (81) while ThiQar was the highest (225). Conclusion: There is an increase of cancer trend in Iraq (in general) and Maysan shows the lowest trend and cancer registration during the 6 years in comparison to the 3 selected provinces.References
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