
  • Diyaa Abed Auda Thi-Qar University-College of Nursing-Department of Basic Sciences
  • Basim Khamees Gootee Thi-Qar University-College of Science-Department of Biology


Male infertility, Varicocele, Antisperm antibody, Varicocelectomy


This study was designed to evaluate and compare the results of semen parameters, sperm membrane potential integrity and viability for non varicocelic and varicocelic infertile men after varicocelectomy. Thirty semen samples (varicocelic) and twenty normozoospermic men (non varicocelic) as a control group were collected by masturbation in the special semen room collection and prepared by simple layering technique. The semen samples were analyzed and prepared by standard semen parameters. Furthermore, sperm concentration, sperm motility, progressive sperm motility, sperm agglutination, normal sperm morphology, sperm HOST, and sperm Eosin stain were evaluated according to standard WHO criteria (1999). However, direct immunobead assay was used to determine the presence of AS-AB bound on sperm surface. For preparation technique, sperm prepared and incubated for 30 minute in 5% CO2 at 37ºC after in vitro sperm processing. The results of the present study indicate a highly significant (P<0.001) differences in all sperm functions parameters of varicocelic infertile men in AS-ABs positive (HOST and Eosin stain; negative) as compare with that noticed in normozoospermic men in AS-AB negative (HOST and Eosin stain; positive). It was concluded that there are a strong positive correlation between varicocele and antisperm antibodies generation and between antisperm antibodies and semen characteristics and HOST-Vitality test. Further studies are recommended to assess the detrimental effect of AS-ABs on DNA damage and embryo quality after in vitro fertilization and embryo transfer in assisted reproductive technologies (IVF-ET-ART).


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