
  • Salman K. Ajlan Department of Biochemistry, College of Medicine, University of Basrah, Basrah, IRAQ


ٌRegular physical activity, conventional cardiovascular risk factors cardiovascular disease risk


Objective: To correlate  regular physical activity (RPA) with conventional cardiovascular (CV) risk factors. Methods:   In this study, 116 young adult males , 56 physically active and 60 physically inactive (sedentary),  were included.  Measurement of  body mass index  (BMI), basal energy expenditure (BEE) systolic  and diastolic blood pressure  (SBP, DBP ) and serum concentrations of fasting blood glucose (FBG), total cholesterol  (TC) , triglyceride (TG) , low density lipoprotein-cholesterol (LDL-C), and   high density lipoprotein-cholesterol  (HDL-C) were performed. Results: Correlation and regression analysis revealed significant negative correlation of  RPA with BMI  (r: -0.414, P: 0.000), BEE (r: - 0.388, P: 0.000) SBP  (r: -0.418, P: 0.000), DBP  (r: -0.439, P: 0.000) ), FBG (r: -0.425, P: 0.000), TC  (r  -0.291, P: 0.002) ,  TG (r: -0.408, P: 0.000)  , LDL-C (r: -0.305, P: 0.001), and  significant  positive correlation with  HDL-C  ( r :+0.430, P: 0.000). Conclusion:  The study  demonstrated  a strong inverse relationship between RPA and CVD risk. Therefore, practicing moderate RPA is  crucial to maintain healthy life and improve cardiovascular fitness, and this considerably reduces  the future risk of  CVD and its adverse clinical consequences.


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