
  • Talib Hassan Ali Ph.D in Molecular immunology, University of ThiQar, College of Medicine, Department of microbiology


We studied the influence of pathogenic bacteria grazing by bactreiovorous nanoflagellates in a bacterial model community under defined experimental conditions to obtain further insights to understand the ability of using these species as biological control approach against pathogenic bacteria polluted fresh water. By another word, to investigate the ability of genera of (Bodo saltans) bacteriovorous nanoflagellates to graze allochthonous pathogenic, diarrhea causing bacteria strain (Escherichia coli O157:H7) in Tigris River. The investigation was done by monitoring and quantifying the removal (clearance rate) of artificially concentrated bacteria from experimental river water ecosystem at eight selected time points. Our result indicated that pathogenic bacteria consuming as food was greatly sustain the studied nanoflagellate life. Bodo saltans grazing rates of different enteric bacteria species combinations (E. coli + Salmonella typhi) or (E. coli + Shigella flexneri) in mixed culture suggested that Bodo saltans flagellate do have differential feeding behavior among different species of Enterobacteriaceae family. Key words: nanoflagellate, bactreiovory, Bodo saltans  


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