
  • Tariq Khudair Department of Paediatric . Thi-Qar College of Medicine
  • Adnan Muhsin Department of Paediatric . Thi-Qar College of Medicine
  • Amin Turki Department of Paediatric . Thi-Qar College of Medicine


Background and Objective : Amebiasis caused by Entamoeba Histolytica (E.H) is a common problem in areas with poor hygiene . Metronidazole is abroad antiprotoza agent used in symptomatic or asymptomatic infection . Aim of Study : To findout which idial course duration 7 or 10 days and which logical effective dose 30 mg / kg or 50 mg / kg for treatment of amebiasis beside effect the dose on platelets  . Method : Prospective study was conducted on ( 171 ) hospitalized patient at Bint – Al-Huda hospital during the period from the 1st of May 2010 to the 1st of May 2011 , suffering from amebic colitis . The patients divided for four groups . Group A ( 45 ) patient treated by 30 mg/kg and group B ( 47 ) patient treated by 50 mg/ kg for 7 days . Group C ( 38) patient treated by 30 mg/ kg and group D ( 41 ) treated by 50 mg / Kg for 10 days . The diagnosis of amebiasis depend on positive fresh stool sample for E.H trophozoites and followed more than once . Platelets count performed for all patient at the end of each course . Result : The 7 days treatment course cure ( 86.6 % ) of patient from group A and ( 89.4% ) for group B, while 10 days treatment course cure (94.4%) of group C and (96 %) for group D. Duration of bloody diarrhea in group A was (89. + 14 hrs), group B (86.+ 21.98hrs) , group C ( 85.2 + 17.76 hrs ) and group D was (83. + 14.97) . So the dose difference 30 mg/ kg or 50 mg / kg not affect the duration of bloody diarrhea significantly . P value > 0.05 . One patient from group D develop thrombocytopenia , four patients develop dark urine in presence of normal heamostasis . Conclusion : Amebiasis is a great problem in our locality and 30 mg / kg for 10 days of metronidazole course so effective equally to that 50 mg/kg , therefore the former course looked more logical unless the infection so severe , because the less dose administration the least side effects . Effect the dose and duration of metronidazole on platelets need to be investigated more .


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