Clinical Study For Serum Lipid Profile And Lipid Peroxidation In Patients With Gallstones In Thi-Qar Governorate - Iraq


  • Adnan Taan college of Medicine, university of Thi-Qar.
  • Hadeel Rashid Faraj college of Pharmacy, university of Thi-Qar.
  • Raid Maallak Hannon college of sciences, university of Thi-Qar.


gallstones disease, gallbladder, lipid profile, Malondialdehyde


Objective: gallstone (also called cholelithiasis) is a crystalline concretion formed within the gallbladder by accretion of bile components. These calculi are formed in the gallbladder but may distally pass into other parts of the biliary tract such as the cystic ductcommon bile ductpancreatic duct or the ampulla of Vater. Rarely, in cases of severe inflammation, gallstones may erode through the gallbladder into adherent bowel potentially causing an obstruction termed gallstone ileus..The study was designed to determine and compare the levels of lipid profile, and MDA in gallstones diseases and healthy individuals. Material and Methods: Blood  lipid profile and malondialdehyde levels were determined in 50 gallstones Disease and 40 healthy subjects . Results:The levels of serum malondialdehyde and biochemical markers of body lipid profile (serum TCH,TG,LDL,VLDL) were showing significant increase in gallstones disease patients as compared to control group whereas the levels of HDL showed a significant decrease in gallstones disease patients in comparison to control subjects( P ≤ 0.01 ).. However we compared all measurement parameters for all groups according to type of disease.

Conclusion: In gallstones Disease, we finding a significant elevation in the levels of cholesterol and triglyceride during gallstones disease.

-Gallstones disease can effect on lipoproteins levels (high LDL, low HDL, and high VLDL. The increase in lipid peroxidation in gallstones disease, the increase in cholesterol, TG,  LDL,VLDL . In gallstones disease lipid peroxidation can clearly occur.


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