Relation between serum and whole blood magnesium levels with migraine headache from Qurna district, Basrah city


  • Mahdi Murshd Msc.Path.College of medicine, Thi-Qar Univ.Iraq
  • Mohammed Abdul-Mounther Ph.D.Biochem.College of medicine, Thi-Qar Univ.Iraq
  • Khasim H.Alshaheen Msc,biochem Qurna hosiptal ,Basrah
  • Yousif G. Omran Bsc ,chem.,Alzehrayai hospital Amara city


Migraine is one of the common varieties of headache .The objective of the present study on 41 patients(16 males and 25 females) were attending the emergency department in Qurna hospital ,Basrah direction during the period 5/2008-11/2008 and 30 healthy (11male and 19 female) control of similar ages (15-≥50),body mass index (BMI ;mean 25.0 kg/m2.rang 24.7-31.89 kg/m2).Magnesium levels in serum and whole blood were studied during the onset of headache in each 41 patients .Twenty-five of 41 (61%) were female 9(56%), 16(64%), with and without aura respectively, and 16 (39%) were male that 7(44%), 9(36%) with and without aura respectively. Twenty five (61%)of cases where between 31and 45 years old .In this age rang 14(56%)were female and 11(69%) male. Serum and whole blood magnesium levels in patients were significantly lower than control (p≤0.01),.In amultiple linear regression model with age ,BMI, and smoking status as covariables (p≤0.01).


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