
  • Safaa A.Mohssin department of surgery,division of urology- college of medicine.Basrah university


Purposes: to assess the different factors responsible for failure of posterior urethroplasty in recurrent stricture methods :- from "February 2000-december 2007" 17 patients (6-60 years)with failed urethroplasties under went redo urethroplasty for post traumatic posterior urethral distraction..Bulbo prostatic anastomosis was done through perincum in "15"patients and by perineo- abdominal transpubic in "2"patients.The operative records of all patients  was registered and followed for (6 month-2years). Results: There was failure in "2"cases (8%) ,satisfactory in 6 patients (30%) and successful in 9 patients (62%). Discussion: The causes of failure and satisfactory results was in complete excision of the scared prestatic apex in ability to achieve tension-free- bulbo prostatic anastomosis and inpropper lateral fixation of prostatic mucosa on sides. Conclusions: Redo urethroplasty considered one of obstacls in urology ,that should be done by effecient,experts hands (urologist),that stick to the rules of surgical procedure (complete excision of fibrous tissue,lateral fixation of the prostatic mucosa and tension free-bulbo-prostatic anastomosis).


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