Intussusception in children: A clinical versus imaging diagnosis


  • Razzaq Jameel. Hthaya Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University
  • Khlabus Kh. Raddam Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University
  • Ali Jarin. Hasson Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University


Intussusception, Pediatrics, imaging diagnosis, Thi qar


A prospective study was conducted on 90 patients who were admitted at Al- Nassiriya pediatric hospital from the period of 1.1.2002 – 31.12.2006. Their history and clinical examination were highly suggestive of intussusception's. Plane abdominal radiography and ultrasound were done for all cases in an attempt to support clinical diagnosis and to compare the efficacy of both tools in the diagnosis of intussusceptions. It was found that males were more commonly affected than females with male: Female ratio of 3: 1. The majority of cases were below 2 years of age (91.34%) with (71.56%) of total number of cases were below one year. No obvious cause for intussusception could be detected in the majority of cases. A pathological leading point as a cause for intussusception reported in only (8.64%) of cases. The findings on clinical bases were compatible with results of ultrasound examination and with the operative findings; clinical examination never missed any case. Ultrasound examination had an efficacy of 100 % in detecting cases of intussusception compared with (49%) for plane radiography. The study had concentrated on the fact that a high index of suspicion and careful evaluation of each patient are essential in detecting cases as early as possible thus avoiding serious complications imposed on late diagnosis.


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