
  • Shamil A. Hilal Lecturer Otolaryngologist - College of Medicine - Thi-Qar University
  • Ahmed M. Al-Abbasi Ass. professor of Otorhinolaryngology- College of Medicine-Basrah University
  • ZahraK Saeed Dentistry College - Basrah-University


Halitosis, Bad breath, Oral disorders


This is a prospective study done in the period between the 1st of December 2003 to 30th of November 2005, it includes 323 patient. One hundred fifteen patients complaining of oral disorders, comprises 35.6% of all the studied patients, while 208 patient had extra oral disorder (64.4%). From those with extra oral diseases, 162 patients had otorhinolaryngological disorder comprises (78%), and the remaining 46 patients had medical disease (22%). The commonest cause of oral disorders was periodontal disease (42 patients = 37%), the commonest cause of otolaryngological disorders was tonsillitis (39 patients =24%), while commonest medical cause of halitosis was bronchitis (11 patients =24%). The mean age pf presentation of halitosis caused by oral disease, was 46.2 year, otolaryngological diseases was 27.9 years and for medical diseases was 46.6 years. Commonly the patient with halitosis presented in the cold months (230 patients of them presented in the period between October and April =71% from all the studied patients).  


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