Disclosure Efficacy of Chronic Administration of Leptin Supplement on Spermatogenesis in Male Rats


  • Ahmed Salman Abdulhasan Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Thi - Qar
  • Samara Yahya Kraidi Department of Pharmacology, College of Pharmacy, Al-Muthanna University
  • Nuha jabori Hadi Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Thi – Qar


Leptin, Spermatogenesis Status, Mal Rat, LH, FSH


This study is undertaken the explore effect of chronic leptin administration on body weight, reproductive organ weight, sperm count and male sex hormones. Rats were treated daily with a single intraperitoneal injection   15g/kg body weight of leptin for 45 days. Body weight, were measured every five days over the experimental periods.  At the end of treatment, rats were anesthetized with ether and immediately killed by cervical dislocation. The right epididymis was removed and minced in 2 ml normal saline. The suspension was filtered and stained with 1 % eosin. Sperm count were conducted.  Blood was collected from the heart puncture, clotted and centrifuged to obtain the serum. Serum testosterone, FSH, LH and leptin were measured using ELISA technique. The testis, epididymis and prostate were calculated their relative organ weights. In this study was significantly decrease body weight in leptin-treated group. However, Serum testosterone, FSH and LH levels were however increased significantly in leptin-treated group compared to controls. Sperm count was significant lower in leptin-treated groups when compared to age-matched controls. Conclusion  It appeared leptin administration in daily doses for long term, significantly affecting body; seem to significantly increase weight, levels serum for testosterone FSH and LH levels in male rats.  In addition, it also decreases sperm counts. Subsequently, leptin exposure is causing impairment of spermatogenesis.


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