The Role of Hematological Parameters in Different Trimesters of Pregnancy


  • Baida Rihan Ali Department of Pathological Analyzes / College of Science / University of Thi –Qar.
  • Riyadh Rashid Hameed Department of Pathological Analyzes / College of Science / University of Thi –Qar


Background:  During pregnancy, blood changes occur in order to meet the requirements of fetal and placental development, with significant changes in blood volume. The abnormal bloody appearance affects pregnancy and its outcome. This study aimed to assess the blood parameters of pregnant women in Thi- Qar Governorate . Methods: The samples was collected in Al-Furat Specialized Laboratory in Thi- Qar Governorate, Iraq, during the period from December 17, 2021 to the end of February 2022. The study included (90) pregnant women of different ages in the first, second and third trimesters of pregnancy. Pregnancy. Oral consent was obtained from each participant prior to participating in the study. They were given questionnaires for information such as age, address, duration of pregnancy and Folic A supplement. Samples of 5 ml of venous blood were collected by sterile disinfection technique and 2.5 ml of blood was placed in EDTATube.  Results: There are a significant differences were shown in hematological parameters of 1st and 2nd trimesters, these variations were seen in Hb, WBCs, granulocyte and PCT levels under (p value ≤ 0.05). significant and highly significant differences in the WBCs and their components between pregnant of 1st and 3rd trimesters under (p value ≤ 0.05). WBCs and its related parameters showed high significant correlation between them and different trimesters, also the present study revealed significant and high significant correlation. Conclusion: In brief, hematological parameters are differ during different trimesters of pregnancy with low levels of hemoglobin and high WBCs and their components which differ significantly through different stages of pregnancy.



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