Serological Study of Human Parvovirus (B19) Antigen Detected among Patients with Viral Hepatitis
HPV: Human Parvovirus, viral hepatitisAbstract
Background: The B19 Human Parvovirus is an icosahedral virus with a single strand and no envelope. A total of 5596 bases make up its DNA, which places it in the parvovirus family. The deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) B19 virus mutation has been linked to liver dysfunction in transplant recipients and has been associated with an increased risk of developing liver disease. As a result, scientists suspect that B19V has a negative role in liver damage, especially in instances of acute hepatitis and acute liver failure of unclear origin, as well as in those with hepatitis B or C co-infection, all of which have a worse prognosis. Methods: From August 2022 to the end of February 2023. This study included the collection of serum samples for the detection of Human Parvovirus antigen in 60 patients with viral hepatitis. Also included was a control group consisting of 30 individuals of different ages who did not have viral hepatitis. All these serum samples are detected for Parvovirus antigen by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay method. Conclusions: According to the results of this study, it is first concluded that the presence of human Parvovirus in patients with viral hepatitis was not influenced by most of the demographic factors studied. It is found that there are no significant differences in the detection rate of human Parvovirus among patients in terms of sex, age, residence, COVID-19 infection, or vaccination against COVID-19. The study did find a 10% detection rate of Human Parvovirus protein antigen among patients infected with hepatitis B and C viruses. Overall, the study suggests that viral hepatitis may play a role in the prevalence of Human Parvovirus B19, but further research is needed to fully understand the direct relationship between the two viruses that affect their prevalence in humans.References
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