The prevalence of Overhang Margins with Class II Restorations among Sulaimani City Patients


  • Shamal Saeb Zorab B.D.S. MSc. Periodontic University of Sulaimani/ College of Dentistry
  • Bestoon Mohammed Faraj B.D.S, HDD, M.Sc., Ph.D. Ph. D in Conservative Dentistry


Overhanging dental restorations, Overhanging, Prevalence, Amalgam overhang


Background: Overhanging dental restorations are defined as a horizontal mismatch in the smooth
and approximate surfaces of the restorations. A significant prevalence and degree of severity of
periodontal problems are associated with the presence of overhang margins restorations.
Aim: This study aimed to determine the prevalence of overhang margins in patients with class II
Materials and Methods: An observational cross-sectional study was performed in 200 patients
attending Shorsh Teaching Dental Center in Sulaimani City of Iraq. Patients were examined using
sterilized patient examination kits and under the dental chair light. After the initial diagnosis of the
overhang, final confirmation was obtained with the radiographic studies. For data collection,
gender, age, time of restoration, type of material used, daily home care, and any history of gingival
bleeding or inflammation were obtained. Data was analyzed using SPSS software, version 21.
Results: The results of this study showed the prevalence of overhang in 296 (38.3%) examined
teeth, including 190 (44.2%) upper teeth, and 106 (30.9%) lower teeth, 202 (43.7%) molar teeth
and 94 (30.2%) premolar teeth, 241 (64.6%) composite teeth, and 55 (35.4%) amalgam teeth, 110
(37.1%) mesial teeth, and 186 (62.9%) distal overhang teeth, that 152 (51.4%) overhang teeth
occurred in men and 144 (48.6%) overhang teeth occurred in women.
Conclusion: The results of this study showed that the frequency of overhang was relatively high
in the examined teeth. The results of this study showed the highest frequency of overhang in
composite teeth. Overhang treatment and removal appear to be necessary to minimize periodontal


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