Evaluation of Color Properties of Different Types of Resin Composites and Natural Tooth: in-Vitro Study
Direct resin composites, Esthetic, TranslucencyAbstract
Direct resin composites are often selected for anterior restorations due to theirnumerous advantages over indirect techniques. These benefits include the ability to be applied to
tooth surfaces with minimal to no preparation, ease of repair, and excellent aesthetic properties.
Additionally, they require less time in the dental chair and are more cost-effective. This study aims
to characterize and compare the translucencies of two different anterior resin composite materials,
Shufo resin composite (Tokyo, Japan) and Micerium resin composite (Italy), with natural dental
Method: Radiographic imaging was utilized to record the enamel and dentin thicknesses of
extracted upper central incisor teeth. Ten specimens were fabricated for each group. Colorimetric
measurements were conducted on dry samples using a spectrophotometer (Rayplicker spectrodiameter Micro Office device), with color space coordinates recorded.
Results: Comparative analyses of the CIE Lab color space coordinates, precisely the L*
(lightness) values, were conducted for the incisal, gingival, and middle third positions. The results
indicate a statistically significant difference (p-value < 0.05) between the natural tooth and
Micerium and Shufo in the incisal and middle third positions. Additionally, translucency
parameters, including lightness, hue, and chroma values, were calculated using a formula derived
from the Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) color space coordinates.
Conclusion: The CIE Lab colorimetric values obtained for natural enamel and dentin tissues
were superior to those of all the resin composites evaluated. Furthermore, the samples' desiccation
augmented the CIE Lab values for both natural enamel and dentin, indicating a significant
influence of the hydration state on these tissues' color properties
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International Journal of Esthetic Dentistry, 9(3), 382–401. Retrieved from
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