Radiologists and Medical Students’ Perception and Attitude Towards AI Use in Radiology
Background: Artificial intelligence (AI) is a developing technology that has a great impact onvarious aspects, application of AI in healthcare has drawn a significant attention worldwide. Within
radiology, the ongoing integration of AI holds great potential for improving medical imaging and
helping in the detection of precise abnormalities, opening new field of enhancement and carrying
a lot of concerns that will be discussed.
Aim of the study: Is to explore the knowledge and acceptance of the radiologists and medical
students upon AI technology and measure the significant differences between these two
generations and what are the potential benefits and major concerns.
Martial and methods: Cross-sectional prospective descriptive study, based on online
Results: The study involved 158 individuals, among them, 42 were identified as radiologists,
while 116 were medical students, 85.7% of the studied sample comprised highly experienced
radiologists with more than 10 years of expertise in their field. Diagnostic radiology emerged as
the primary specialty within the vast majority of this studied sample. The other participants
encompass students ranging from the 2nd to the 6th stages of their education, alongside recently
graduated individuals. Most of these students possess a level of familiarity, ranging from moderate
to extensive. The majority within both the radiologist and student groups indicated a moderate
level of familiarity with AI concepts, also concepts of AI seem widely accepted overall.
Radiologists primarily see potential benefits of AI in medical decision support, aiming to enhance
the quality and efficiency of diagnostic radiology.
Conclusion: AI is set to transform healthcare, particularly in radiology, by enhancing
diagnostics. Concerns exist about its effects on jobs, privacy, and the personal touch in care.
Medical students lack AI knowledge, pointing to the need for better AI education in medical
training through practical experience and ongoing learning.
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