The Role of Demographic Factors and IL-32 Levels in Helicobacter Pylori-Associated Diseases
Gastric disorders, (Helicobacter pylori), IL-32(interlukin-32)Abstract
Increased production of IL-32 proinflammatory cytokine, has been demonstrated inHelicobacter pylori-associated gastric mucosal inflammation. IL-32, a newly characterized cytokine, is
thought to be a key mediator in host responses to bacterial infections.
Background: Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) was discovered in 1983 and has been identified as the
main pathogenic factor for gastric and duodenal peptic ulcers and gastric cancer which is the third most
common cause of cancer-related death in the world The bacterium is a micro-aerophilic, curved, gram
negative bacteria, infection causes chronic gastritis. IL32, proinflammatory cytokine secreted by NK cell,
macrophage, endothelial cell and monocyte, the studies showed that increase expression of IL-32 is
elevated in human gastritis and gastric cancer tissues.
Aim of study: The study aimed to determined the relation of some demographic parameters to gastric
disorders due to H.pylori and assessment of IL-32 concentration.
Material and methods: The study design is a case - control . was performed in Thi-Qar Province,
Iraq, from Nov-2023 to Jan-2024. The diseases was diagnosed by physician and UBT. Serum samples
were taken from 180 participants in various age included (120 cases and 60 controls) . The ELISA
technique used to detects level IL-32 .
Results: The present study showed a significant difference at p. value <0.05, between patients and
control group according to sex, the highest percentage of infection in female were 69.17%, also, a
significant difference was recorded according to age groups, where the highest percent record in second
age group(16-30) 34.17%. With regard residency the study investigated a significant difference was urban
scored 70.83% of patients. IL-32 level was showed increased in the patients compared to control group,
at p.value <0.05.
Conclusion: H. Pylori infection generally associated with demographic data such as sex and age. High
increase in the level IL-32 indicated that the gastric H. pylori diseases induced strong systemic immune
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