Preparation of Fortified Edible Gelatin Films Nanoscale Magnesium Oxide and Study of It's Mechanical and Antibacterial Effectiveness
Edible reinforced films, nanopolymers, antimicrobials, mechanical propertiesAbstract
Membranes were prepared from laboratory bovine gelatin with polyvinyl alcohol infixed proportions of 1/1 (wt/wt), using plasticizers (glycerol and sorbitol), adding magnesium
oxide nanoparticles to them, and comparing them to unreinforced membranes, and measuring the
mechanical properties of these membranes, which were the thickness of the membrane and
tensile capacity. In addition to elongation, solubility, and antimicrobial activity. It was noted that
the thickness of laboratory bovine gelatin membranes supported with magnesium oxide
nanoparticles is 30 mm, which is more than the thickness of the unsupported gelatin membrane,
which is 6 mm. The results indicated that the greatest tensile strength (γM Scma Max) that the
model could withstand (the strength of the model) was for the membrane made from laboratory
gelatin with 1 gm of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 18 gm of glycerol, and 10 ml of nano solution,
and it reached 117 MPa with a pouring ratio of 10 ml. However, the lowest tensile strength (σM)
was 0.0705 MPa for the membrane made from laboratory gelatin with 1 gm polyvinyl alcohol
PVA, 18 gm glycerol, and 10 ml of nano solution with a casting ratio of 15 ml, and the best
flexibility (the greatest elongation) (Epsilon At break (εM % Upsilon at break) was for the
membrane made from laboratory gelatin with 1 g of polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), 18 g of glycerol,
and 10 ml of nano solution, and it reached 117 MPa with a pouring ratio of 43.3 with 10 ml. It
was noted that the solubility of the membranes supported with magnesium oxide nanoparticles
was lower than the solubility of the membranes not supported with magnesium oxide
nanoparticles. It was found that there was a high inhibitory activity for nanogelatin membrane
solutions compared to membrane solutions not supported by nanoparticles against all types of
selected pathogenic bacteria. The highest inhibitory activity obtained for the nanogelatin
membrane was against Staphylococcus aureus bacteria, then against Esherichia coli and
Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, respectively, although less. The effect of gelatin film on
Esherichia coli bacteria.
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