Impact of Wastewater on Antibiotic Resistance Phenomenon
Wastewater, Antibiotic Resistance, Antibiotic, Household Water, water pollutionAbstract
In light of growing concerns about the spread of antibiotic resistance and its consequences for public health,this review article deeply examines the intricate relationship between wastewater contamination and the
appearance and spread of antibiotic resistance. Water that has been used and contaminated by different
human activities, such as household, industrial, health institutions, and agricultural processes, is referred to
as wastewater, which is usually released into the environment and can cause several diseases, including the
spreading of antibiotic resistance which is a threat to public health. Antibiotics have been a crucial
discovery, saving millions from infectious diseases. On the other hand, their misuse spawn’s antibiotic
resistance (AR), an enormous threat to global health. This review examines wastewater's important role in
supporting AR, underlining how it affects pathogen development and the spread of resistance globally.
Wastewater acts as a breeding ground for antibiotic-resistant bacteria (ARBs) and resistance genes (ARGs),
causing health concerns to humans and animals. Human actions in several sources, such as hospitals and
agriculture, increase the spread of ARBs and ARGs. Wastewater is released into surface waterways,
contaminating irrigation systems and household water. Agricultural products are essential for humans, but
now agriculture is a standard route for AR transmission.
Furthermore, the review highlighted groundwater and surface water contamination by residual antibiotics.
The linked cycle of antibiotic resistance from agriculture to humans and animals shows the need for
comprehensive measures. In summary, the review highlights the severe problems of antibiotic resistance
(AR) in wastewater and calls for vigilante action against the misuse of antibiotics to maintain antibiotics'
long-term effectiveness in maintaining world health.
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