Foreign Body Inhalation in Adult Population/ Thoracic Department /Baghdad / Iraq
Background: Foreign body aspiration occurs when a foreign body enters the airway which cancause dyspnea or choking. Whatever the type of the object, any aspiration can be a life-threatening
situation and demands timely recognition and action to minimize risk of complications.
Aim of Study: To evaluate demographic information and bronchoscopic findings in adult patients
with airway foreign body aspiration and its removal and to compare it with regional, national and
international studies.
Patients and Methods: This is a randomized retrospective study for bronchoscopically managed
thirty adult patients with foreign body inhalation in single center study, done in the thoracic and
vascular department, Medical City complex /Baghdad/Iraq during the period from 1st January 2017
till 31 December 2020. History taking, physical examination and laboratory findings were recorded
for all the patients with radiological assessment by CXR and CT-scan. After confirmation of
diagnosis, patients were scheduled for bronchoscopic intervention.
Results: In this study 28 patients were females and 2 patients were males. The female to male ratio
was 14:1. The commonest age group affected was those in their 3rd decade followed by those in
their second and forth decade. Metallic pin was the most common foreign body and was seen in
93% of patients. Rigid bronchoscopy was successful in extracting the foreign body in 93% of the
patients and thoracotomy was needed in the remaining.
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