TCF7L2 Gene Polymorphism rs290487 and Its Correlation with Insulin Resistance in Al-Najaf governorate


  • Dhurgham Abdul abbas Abed Al-Graiti Faculty of Pharmacy/University of Kufa Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Haider F. S. Al-Zubaidy Faculty of Pharmacy/University of Kufa Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences


T2DM is a worldwide health challenge manifested by insulin resistance (IR) and failure of β-cell function.
Genetic variants, specially the rs290487 SNP in the TCF7L2 gene, are highly associated to T2D
occurrence in different populations. However, the occurrence and impact of this polymorphism on T2DM
and linked metabolic problems in the Al-Najaf population remain non explored.
The study goal is to explore the linking of the TCF7L2 gene SNP rs290487 with T2D.
Materials and Methods:
A case-control study was done out on 200 participants (100 T2DM patients and 100 controls) aged 35–65
years. Samples of blood were collected and analyzed for phenotypic and genotypic analyses. Genotyping
of the TCF7L2 rs290487 SNP was carried out using PCR-RFLP, and biochemical parameters were
analyzed. Statistical analysis was done using t-tests and ANOVA test.
SNP with T2DM in the Al-Najaf population and explore its influence on insulin resistance in T2DM
This study focused to explore the linking between rs290487 SNP of the TCF7L2 gene and T2D in the AL
Najaf community. The study shows no significant alteration in age and body mass index (BMI) among
the patient and control groups. However, fasting serum glucose (FSG) and insulin grade were highly
increased in T2D patients (P<0.0001), lead to insulin resistance. HOMA-IR reading also view a significant
elevation in patients (P=0.025). Genotyping analysis indicate a strong association between the T allele
and T2DM, with TT genotype indicating the highest risk (OR=36.79, P<0.0001). The results underscore
the importance of rs290487 in modulating T2DM risk. However, no significant association has been
discovered between HOMA-IR and genotypes (P > 0.05).
The TCF7L2 rs290487 TT genotype and T allele are linked to T2DM risk in Al-Najaf, highlighting the
link between genetic predisposition and metabolic traits.


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