Assessment Of Joint Hypermobility In Iraqi Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Diseases


  • Khalaf Anber Obaid
  • Faiq I. Gorial
  • Naser Hussein Sabr


Background Joint hypermobility  is a common condition characterized by joint laxity and an increased range of joint motion and may be associated with joint pain. joint pain is common in  inflammatory  bowel disease (IBD) and is often attributed to seronegative arthropathy.  Objective To assess JHM in Iraqi patients with IBD and to evaluate the associates of this possible relationship. Patients And Method A case-control study was conducted on 83 patients with IBD who were randomly seen between December 2014 and June 2015 at the gastrointestinal and liver diseases center of the medical city and the endoscopy unit of Baghdad Teaching Hospital compared to a 83 healthy individuals served as a control group who were randomly selected during the period of the study and matched for age and sex to the patient group.. Full  history was taken and complete clinical examination was done for all  individuals in both groups . Beighton’s Score for joint  hypermobility was   performed on patients and controls.  Results  Joint hypermobility was found in 12(14.5%) of IBD patients and 10 12% in  healthy controls (p> 0.05)  JHM was present and 6(17.6%) of 34 CD  patients  and 6  12.2%  of 49 UC patients (P> 0.05). The presence of JHM was significantly associated with younger age, short in duration of the disease, positive family history of JHM and low BMI (p< 0.05).  Conclusion  JHM was comparable in  IBD and controls. Younger age, short duration of the disease, positive family history of JHM and low BMI were significant associates with JHM.


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