Histopathological Characters Of Solitary Thyroid Nodule In Patient Undergoing Surgery At 3 Years (2015 - 2017) In Al - Nasiriyah City


  • Alaa Jamel Hasin
  • Marwah Yaseen Ayyed
  • Kareem Dhuyool Farawn


Background: The morbidity of solitary  thyroid nodule to be benign or malignantaffecting different age group and gender are generallynotwellestablished need to more focus about details histopathology and identified the characters of histopathology.  Aim of study: To know histopathological characters of solitary thyroid nodule in patients undergoing in Nasiriya city at (2015_2016_2017). Patients and method: This cross-sectional analytical  study was carried out at the department of general surgery, Al_Hussain teaching hospital. It is retrospective study during 3 years ago(2015,2016,2017). The study include the collection samples of known cases of solitary thyroid nodule from operation room in ,Al_Hussain teaching hospital for 3 years about 162 cases  and send it into histopathology in lab. In same hospital in Nasiriya city about 360 km south Baghdad the capital, and take the result of histopathology from lab. In same hospital. The study include different ages All age groups were included in this study. Classified into :
  • Child and adolescence less than 18 years old
  • Young adult(18_45) years old
  • Old adult (45_65) years old
  • Elderly (65years old and above)
And both sexes (male and female). Results: A total samples collection to study are 162 of patients with STN during three years (2015-2017),The female (157) and the male( 5 ). majority of  the studied population were female (96.9%), and most of them were at age of 18-45 years (67.9%), followed by the old adult  29.6%, while the other groups were having an equal percent of 1.25%., a studied total number were attending the Al-Hussien teaching hospital mostly coming at the 2016followed by 2017 then 2015.were most of them at the 2016 (41.1%), followed by 2017 (39%), while the 2015 were the smallest proportions of the contributors. most of the presented cases were with follicular adenoma (57.4%) followed by papillary carcinoma (35.2%) then follicular carcinoma (5.6%), while medullary Ca were the littlest proportion (1.9%). Child and elderly show no case of lymph node involvement, highest proportion were among adult cases, while the old adult show only (6,3%) L.N involvement , where M.Ca showing no L.N involvement, while(15.8%) of the papillary carcinoma show L.N involvement, regarding follicular Carcinoma only 11.1% of them showing L.N involvement. Conclusion: This study showed that solitary thyroid  nodules are benign more than malignant found as follicular adenoma, and the most common  type of thyroid cancer was papillary thyroid carcinoma. There was no cases of anaplastic carcinoma.


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