Causes And Management Of Neonatal Jaundice In Almosawi Pediatric Hospital In Nasiryiah City A: Retrospective Study


  • Mishaal Zoori Jabbar
  • Abdulreda Abed Hatam
  • Hussein Ali Hamad


jaundice, neonatal, Causes


  • Background
Neonatal jaundice is the most common reason for admission in the neonatal period. The yellow coloration of the skin and sclera in newborn with jaundice is the result of accumulation of unconjugated bilirubin. Neonatal physiological jaundice results from simultaneous occurrence of two phenomena, bilirubin production is elevated and hepatic excretory capacity is low (1).The aim of this study is to determine the etiology,severity,risk factors  and management of neonatal jaundice.
  • Methods
 A retrospective study was conducted on 100 case_sheets (random sample) to neonates who had jaundice in Almosawi paediatric hospital in Nasiryiah city.The obtained data were analysed and the results were tabulated.
  • Results
100 case_sheets of neonates who have jaundice were studied.ABO blood group incompatibility were the most common cause of jaundice.Phototherapy is the mainstay of hyperbilirubinemia treatment in neonates.It has resulted in a marked reduction in the need to perform exchange transfusion.
  • Conclusion
 Blood group incompatibility,and unknown causes,are the most common cause of    neonatal jaundice .The less common cause is G6pd deficiency.Most of neonates who have jaundice were breast feeding,lowbirth weight and preterm are risk facters.


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