Factors Associated With Uncontrolled Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus In Children And Adolescents In Thi-Qar 2016-2017


  • Raid K. Dehiol Department of pediatrics, college of medicine, Thi-Qar University
  • Ghada Mansoor Abood Al-Asadi Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, Thi-Qar University
  • Mohammed Abdulghani Challab Alattabi Bintalhuda Teaching Hospital, Thi-Qar Health Directorate


Factors, uncontrolled type 1 diabetes mellitus, children, adolescents


Background:- T1DM is the most common endocrine-metabolic disorder of childhood and adolescence, with important consequences for physical and emotional development. Individuals with T1DM confront serious lifestyle alterations that include an absolute daily requirement for exogenous insulin, the need to monitor their own glucose level, and the need to pay attention to dietary intake.
Objective:- to assess the main factors and patient characters associated with uncontrolled T1DM that should be aware by Iraqi's Pediatricians.
Patient and method:- A cross sectional analytical study had been conducted on children and adolescents with type1 DM visiting the diabetic clinic in Al- Nasiriya Diabetes and endocrine specialized center (south of Iraq), from 1st of June 2016 to the end of May 2017. The patients selected to be as uncontrolled status ( fair and poor control) according to their HbA1C level results. Demographic factors, disease-related characteristics, checking of blood glucose, dietary control, type, dose and regime of insulin injection and other related aspect, and anthropometric measures were included.
Result: - Two hundred and one( 201) type 1 diabetic patients selected to be uncontrolled status with mean age of( 9.530 year ±3.2526),with no significant difference in sex. Majority of them were with poor control status (71.1%), and 28.9% were with fair control status. The residence, mother education, dietary control, regular follow up and regular checking of blood glucose level, syringe use, insulin injection technique, lipodystrophy at injection sites, and person who give the insulin were the main independent factors that had a significant statistical association with the control status in this study, while multi-variant analysis revealed that dietary control, person who are responsible for giving insulin and changing site of injection were significantly associated with control status.


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Thi-Qar Medical Journal (TQMJ):Vol.(18),No.(2),2019

Web Site: https://jmed.utq.edu.iq Email:utjmed@utq.edu.iq

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