The Effect of Weekend on Mortality Rate in Kut City


  • Saad Abid Farhan Al-Badri Wasit University / College of Medicine / Department of Medicine


Week, mortality


Background: Several authors suggested that weekend mortality rate is higher than that of other days of the week; on the contrary many authors refuse this suggestion and stated that there is no significant impact of the weekend on mortality rate. Objective: To study the impact of weekend on mortality rate. Patients, Materials and Methods: The present study was carried out in Al-Karama and AL-Zahraa hospitals in Kut city by reviewing records regarding mortality throughout the period extending from January 2015 through December 2015. Data were classified into the following categories: number of patients admitted on weekend and died in the hospital at any day versus the number of patients admitted on weekdays and died at any day ; number patients died in the hospital at weekend versus number of patients died at weekdays. Results: Significant difference in percentage of death was found on week end in comparison to weekdays (P=0.007), whereas there was no significant association between admission on weekend and percentage of death (P=0.111). Conclusion: Weekend witnessed significantly higher percentage of death in comparison to weekdays which is probably due to less staffing and equipment during weekends.


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