Adult Congenital Heart Diseases: Clinical Pattern, Management and Immediate Outcome in Ibn-Al-Bitar Center for Cardiac Surgery, Baghdad 2013
Adult, congenital, heart disease, IraqAbstract
Introduction: Adult with congenital heart diseases (ACHD) are an important emerging group. The diagnosis and successful management of congenital heart disease represents one of the greatest triumphs of cardiovascular medicine and surgery in the 20th century. As a consequence, the number of adults with congenital heart disease both with repaired and unrepaired lesions has grown rapidly. Patients and Methods: This is a descriptive cross sectional study that conducted in Ibn Al-Bitar Center for Cardiac Surgery during the period from January 2011to December 2012 Baghdad- Iraq. In this study all adults’ patients with CHD referred to Ibn Al-Bitar Center for Cardiac Surgery were recorded and evaluated to verify the pattern of ACHD in our center. Results: A total of 789 patients, female to male ratio was 1.7:1, Acyanotic CHD constitute 92.9%, and whereas the cyanotic lesions form only 7.1% .The mean age of patients was 29±7.300 SD years. The most common defect was ASD followed in order of frequency by VSD, PS, TOF, PDA, AS and COA. Trans catheter intervention was the treatments of choice for many types of ACHD, but still surgery play an important role in managements of other defects. Conclusions: Acyanotic ACHD are more common than the cyanotic one, more female predominance, Percutaneous intervention was became widely used as the first line of management of majority of ACHD with high successful rates, while surgical correction still the treatment of choice for certain types of ACHD .References
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