Effect of Nosocomial Burn Bacteria in Experimental Burn Model


  • Rahman Laibi Chelab College of Education for Pure Science / Thi-Qar University
  • Haydar Kh. Al-Maliky College of Medicine / Thi-Qar University


In present study, mice burn model were used to study the complications of bacterial infected burn cases. Eighteen male albino mice were used as a burn model which divided into two mice groups burned by boiled water (scald method), then injected by physiological normal saline (negative control), two mice were infected by Pseudomonas aeruginosa 0.2 x 108  Colony Form Unit (CFU) without burn, on other hand two mice were infected by Staphylococcus aureus (0.2 x 108 CFU) without burn, these two groups considered as a positive control. Other mice divided into two groups, each one contains six mice burned and infected by nosocomial bacterial burn isolates (0.2 x 108 CFU), all groups were followed up for 7 days then killed and histopathological changes of some internal organs were examined, livers and lungs of  examined samples showed significant pathological changes in coparision to the       negative control, suggesting that these samples suffered from variety degree of hepatitis and pneumonia. These results  were due to the complications of bacteremia and septicemia of burned model.    


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