Complicated Impacted Foreign Body in the Esophagus / A Case Report


  • Ahmed Abdulameer Daffar ( MBChB, FICMS in Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgeon), College of Medicine / Thi-Qar University
  • Emad Sameer Abdul Redha ( MBChB ), Al-Nasiriyah Teaching Hospital / Thi-Qar Health Directorate


Perforation of the Esophagus Causes :- 1-Iatrogenic Esophageal perforation following instrumentation either by the rigid esophagoscope or by bougienage. Is the most common cause of perforation. 2-Traumatic perforation due to  foreign bodies ingestion or blunt and penetrating trauma 3-Spontaneous rupture ( Boerhaave‘ s syndrome ) due to the strain of emesis with or without predisposing disease .
  • The sites of the normal anatomical constriction, are the most common sites of perforation .
  • The consequence of the perforation is the contamination of the peri- esophageal space with the digestive fluids, food and bacteria which can lead to extensive suppuration and sepsis.
  • Even perforation of the cervical esophagus can extend into the mediastinum along the facial planes and results in chemical and infectious mediastinitis, which is lethal unless treated early.


-Sabiston and Spencer: Gibbon‘s Surgery of the Chest Fourth Edition 1983

-Sabiston and Spencer : Surgery of the Chest Eight Edition 2010

- A handbook of operative Surgery: Surgery of the Chest by Johnson and Kirby 1960

-Lecture Notes on Thoracic Surgery : Professor Waleed Mustafa Hussen




