Upper Limb Vascular Injury
Trauma, vascular injury, upper limbs, IraqAbstract
Background: Upper extremity vascular injuries had high incidence in current surgical practice dueto increased incidence of terrorist action.
Aim of study: Is to highlight the Medical City experience as major referral center and to assess
morbidity and mortality of injured patient, also analyzes the causes of injuries, presentations,
surgical approaches, outcome and complications of vascular trauma of the upper limbs, in spite of
limited hospital resources.
Methods: From October 2014 to November 2015 (56) cases were collected from Ghazi Al-Harreri
Martyr Hospital, Thoracic and Vascular Department, Medical City, Baghdad. All patients
underwent full physical examination, resuscitation and evaluation were performed according to
Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS) guidelines.
Fifty six patients with upper limb vascular injury were prospectively followed, of them 51 males
(91%) and 5 females about (9%) with age range from (7-46) with a mean age of 22 years. The
mechanism of trauma was mostly penetrating (bullet, shells and stabbing injury) in 50 patients
(89%), blunt trauma was in 6 patients (11%).
Upper extremity vascular injuries carry better prognosis and lower complication. Early referral of
injuried patients affects the outcome of these patients especially when associated with other
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