Obstetric and Perinatal Outcomes in a Sample of Teenagers and Older Pregnant Women, Baghdad 2016
A teenage mother is more likely to drop out of high school, affect employment and socialclass, increased risk for preterm delivery and low birth weight, less likely to receive prenatal
care. Advanced maternal age associated with increased risks of birth defects, low birth
weight, increase rate of caesarean section, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia.
The objective of the study is to identify obstetric and perinatal outcomes among teeagers and
old pregnant women (older than 35 years) in a sample of maternity hospitals in Baghdad,
A comparative cross-sectional study, carried out in three hospitals during the period of 15th
of March 2016-15th of June 2016.
A convenient sample of pregnant women admitted for delivery were included. The pregnant
women were divided into three groups: group A represents 120 pregnant women aged below
20 years(teenage pregnant), group B represents 120 pregnant women aged 20-34 years (low
risk pregnancy) and group C represents 92 pregnant women aged 35+ years ( advanced age
pregnant).In a comparison between group A and B; group A had higher proportion of
participants that visited clinics for 1st time in the 1st trimester (62.5%) emergency type of
Cesarean section (62.9%), fetal distress, contracted pelvis and obstructed labor than group B.
In a comparison between group C and B; group C had higher proportion of participants who
had one or two visits, Hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, medical disorders fetal distress
than group B. No association found between antepartum hemorrhage, postpartum
hemorrhage, premature delivery, still birth and neonatal care admission anemia, and maternal
In conclusion adolescent mothers tend to visit antenatal care (both public and private) more
than and at early stage of pregnancy. Women aged 35 year or more had delayed antenatal
care and less numbers of visits and a higher proportion of complications during pregnancy
like hypertension disorder of pregnancy, medical disorders and caesarean section
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