The Role of Flexible Bronchoscopy in Diagnosis of Bronchogenic Carcinoma


  • Ossama I. Rahiem m ( MBChB, FICMS Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery ) / Alfalluja Teaching Hospital
  • Nazar B. Elhassani FRCS, FACS


Fibroptic bronchoscopy, wash, CXR, biopsies, invisible and visible intrabronchial tumors, Olympus,


Aim: the use of outpatient instrument (flexible bronchoscopy) to improve cancer diagnosis earlier
with no hospital stay giving much time to early diagnosis and early management and follow up of
bronchogenic cancer patients and to rule out which patient need further intervention or management.
Patients and Methods: A retrospective study of 160 patients where a flexible bronchoscopy is done
in suspected cases of malignant lung lesion in relation to history, examination, chest x-ray and refer
them to their age, sex , location and social status and habits including smoking, and sampling of
sputum, lymph nodes and pleural fluid cytopathological exam and comparing the results with the
transnasal or transoral fibroptic bronchoscopic procedures whether they were wash (brushing not
done), biopsies and postbronchoscopic sputum cytological exam using Olympus fibroptic
Results: The patients arranged in two groups according to bronchscopic findings into visible and
invisible tumors and central tumors and peripheral tumors groups according to radiologic findings.
Best results in visible and central tumors, with the squamous cell carcinoma was the highest yield


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