The Association between Elevated Serum Gamma Glutamate Transferase Level and Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Diabetes mellitus, Gamma-glutamyltransferase, neuropathyAbstract
Background: diabetes mellitus is a common disorder worldwide. Type 2 is thecommonest form of this disorder. Patients with DM type 2 have a higher
susceptibility to develop certain complications including diabetic peripheral
neuropathy which often leads to foot ulceration and consequently amputation. One
of the major contributers to the development of this complication is the oxidative
stress. Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT) is an enzyme that increases in level
with increasing oxidative stress.
Aim of the Study: To determine the strength of association between serum GGT
and the presence of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and to detect whether elevated
serum GGT can be used as an early marker for the development of diabetic
peripheral neuropathy.
Methodology: This study is a case-control study that included a total of 60
participants: 30 patients of type 2 DM with peripheral neuropathy (cases) and 30
patients of type 2 DM without peripheral neuropathy (controls). Data was collected
from Al-Sadr Medical City and Middle Euphrates Center for Neurological
Sciences (Al-Najaf – Iraq) during the period from November 2017 through January
Results: Statistical analysis of the data shown that there is a strong statistical
significance indicating significant relationship between elevated serum GGT levels
and the presence of peripheral neuropathy in study population (χ2 = 13.07 , d.f =
1 , P < 0.001).
Conclusion: Elevated level of serum GGT is associated with diabetic peripheral
neuropathy in patients with type 2 DM.
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