Complicated Pulmonary Hydatid Disease
Hydatid cyst,, thoracotomy, VATS, EchinococcosisAbstract
Background: Echinococcus is widely distributed parasite through temperate and subtropicalregion where sheeps are extensively raised. In Iraq, the disease is endemic and is considered to
be one of the most serious helminthic diseases in the country.
Patients and Methods: 170 surgically treated patients with pulmonary hydrated disease. They
were admitted to the thoracic and cardiovascular department at Ibn Al Nafees teaching hospital
from the 1st of January 1998 to the first of October 1999.
Results: Eighty patients were only presented with different complications, forty-three females
and thirty-seven males with a F:M ratio of 1.16:1. The mean age value was 26.7 year more than
one third of patients were in the third decade. Sixty six percent of patients were from rural
population. Regarding the occupation of patients, 47.5% of the patients were housewives
whereas farmers constitute 15% only. Five patients gave history of previous pulmonary hydatid
disease (two in the Right, two in the Left, and one bilateral). Analysis of the presenting
symptomatology revealed hemoptysis in 68.7%. In order of frequency, right lower lobe was
more frequently involved followed by left upper lobe, left lower lobe, right upper lobe, and right
middle lobe. The diagnosis in the vast majority of patients was based on plain chest x-ray only.
Fifty-five patients (68.7%) had a smooth postoperative period while twenty-five patients
(31.25%) developed different complications. The overall mortality rate in this study was 2.5%
(two patients), one of them died from irreversible shock at the time of re-exploration for
bleeding, and the other patient died suddenly in the ward two weeks after surgery as a result of
long immobilization following operation and clinically diagnosed as pulmonary embolism.
Conclusion: Early diagnosis of the disease by early request of chest x-ray for patients with chest
symptoms and advice early operation to decrease complication rate.
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